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Some of the amazing resources available to parents: is an online resource for children, dedicated to improving eSafety and educating children on how to stay safe online and use the Internet effectively. They have resources covering a variety of topics:

Safe searching: Kidsmart gives top tips, including how to use search engines efficiently, for example by ensuring the search term is clear and specific. It also notes that not all content on the Internet is reliable. Anybody can create a website that says anything they choose. In the classroom, I always advocate for children to compare different sources and consider how the opinion of the writer may affect what was been written. 

Digital footprints: It is important that children understand the fact that every time they use the Internet, they leave a trail of information of where they have been. Once a picture is uploaded onto a public website, it is impossible to then remove the picture from the Internet. Children should also be aware that everything they search for on the Internet is recorded and this can affect elements such as the advertisements you see on a webpage.

Online chat: Online chat, along with social media, has often made the headlines for negative reasons rather than positive. Online communication is often a medium for cyber-bullying as some people feel protected from behind a computer. In fact, very real damage is being done and Kidsmart reminds children that they need to show respect to individuals online, the same way they would in real life. Online chat also has the potential for children to be talking to strangers, or people who are not who they say they are. Children are implored to involve an adult if they are ever made to feel uncomfortable online.

Social networking: Kidsmart advises children to check the privacy settings on their accounts to ensure they are secure. It also warns of the potential for unmoderated video and image content that may be unsuitable for children. Children should also make sure that their profile does not make too much personal information public.

UK Safer Internet Centre

The UK Safer Internet Centre has produced some good resources aimed at educating parents/carers about protecting children using different technologies.

Parents Guide to Smartphones

Parents Guide to Gaming Devices

Parents Guide to Tablets

Parents Guide to Smart TVs


Internet Watch Foundation

The IWF is the UK version of an Internet Reporting Hotline. The foundation deals with various types of Internet content, including child abuse, material that incites racism and obscene or criminal materials.

Find out more here.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre is part of the Police that aims to tackle child sex abuse in all of its forms. The agency also offers eSafety advice for staying safe online.

Find out more here.


Kidscape is a UK charity that works with children and their families, keeping them safe from bullying and child sexual abuse. They provide training programmes for children to equip them with important skills they need to keep safe.

Find out more here.