Curriculum queries
Please contact the Class Teacher to resolve any queries relating to teaching and learning.
Teachers are usually available for a brief conversation in the playground before or after school, you can pop a note on Tapestry to arrange a meeting.
If you are happy to resolve the issue through email, the school office will ensure that any communications are directed to the correct person.
Leave of Absence
To apply – via school website at /page/?title=Absence+%26amp%3B+Attendance&pid=75
School Lunch queries
Queries about quality or payment, please contact Miss Daine (0161 972 4820) or admim@parkroadacademy.co.uk.
Menus on school website at /page/?title=Lunch+Menus&pid=82
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Queries about Special Educational Needs should be emailed to the school office (sendco@parkroadacademy.co.uk) for the attention of Miss J Cox (SENDCo).
Queries about safeguarding or child protection should be emailed to dsl@parkroadacademy.co.uk
The Club queries
For payment and other queries about Breakfast, After School or Holiday Club, please contact Mrs Breen (0161 972 4827) or (nurseryandclubadmin@parkroadacademy.co.uk).
To enquire about a Club place please complete this linked form (for current parents only)
To register for a place in Breakfast/After School Club, please click here.
Nursery queries
For any queries related to Nursery, please speak to a member of the Nursery staff or alternatively contact Mrs Breen (0161 972 4827) or (nurseryandclubadmin@parkroadacademy.co.uk).
Friends of Park Road
Please email queries about participation or fundraising events to friendsofparkroad@gmail.com.Accordion content
Complaints Procedure
Please take the following steps in order and refer to the Complaints Policy on the school website:
1. Class teacher
2. Headteacher
3. Governing Body
4. Beyond the Governing Body