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At Park Road Academy we follow Discovery RE for our Religious Education teaching and learning. Following Trafford’s SACRE,  RE at Park Road provides a broad, balanced and coherent curriculum. It has been designed to offer breadth of content, depth of learning and coherence between concepts, knowledge, skills and content in a safe, open, respectful and inclusive environment. Our RE curriculum allows all learners to explore their own beliefs and explore other world religions to encourage our children the flourish in becoming inclusive and understanding of all faiths and cultures, equipped to life beyond school.

We ensure that RE offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of themselves, others, communally, world-wide and cross-culturally.

RE offers distinctive opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development allowing time for reflection, discussion, dialogue and debate. This also contributes to the British Values agenda. 

JIGSAW RE Curriculum 2024-2025