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Our S.T.E.M Leads here at Park Road Academy are Mr. Harper who is also our Year 3 teacher and Science lead and Mrs. Will who is also our Year 5 teacher and Maths lead!

At Park Road Academy Primary, we aim to develop inquisitive, systematic and confident learners.

Here at Park Road we believe that engaging with S.T.E.M should be a journey, which provides the children with a vast array of opportunities to develop key skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our S.T.E.M curriculum provides children with the opportunities to develop these skills and further develops their awareness of the S.T.E.M careers and opportunities that are out there.

We strive to provide all children with the opportunities to develop key skills with real world applications.

Teachers use the S.T.E.M curriculum to make strong links between subjects such as Geography, History, English and more!

Each teacher carefully considers the progression of skills the children are learning throughout their journey in order to develop inquisitive learners with the ability to work systematically and apply their skills to the real world.

Development Plans

Here at Park Road Academy we are excited to announce that we are creating plans to develop our Eco area. This will be an area accessible to all classes that will have a variety of cross - curricular applications with links to science, geography, design & technology and many more!

The images below provides an idea of what the Eco area will look like and the different opportunities it will provide for the children.

The children in Eco Club have worked hard alongside our Eco Lead Mrs. Sidwell to assess the Eco Area and produce their own designs for how they feel it should look and what it should include. These plans have then been used to develop the plans below for the Eco Area as it is important to us at Park Road Academy that the children feel involved in the process.

Current Progress

In this section we will keep you updated on the progress our Eco Area has made and update you on how it is being used in school!

Our Eco Area now has a gate that ensures safe access to and from the area as well as a teaching area complete with a blackboard and benches to allow the classes a place to sit, listen and complete any necessary work. This exciting addition to our Eco Area has already made the area feel much more like an outdoor classroom and we will keep you updated on how it is used throughout the school year!

There are also oppurtunites for S.T.E.M learning in our after-school and holiday provisions.