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Our science lead here at Park Road Academy is Mr. Harper who is also our Year 6 teacher, Assessment and S.T.E.M Lead!

At Park Road Academy Primary, we aim to develop inquisitive, systematic and confident learners.

Here at Park Road we believe that science should be an engaging journey, which provides the children with a vast array of opportunities to work scientifically. Our science curriculum teaches children the importance of science and scientific enquiry in order to understand the world around them.

We strive to provide all children with the opportunities to develop key skills with real world applications.

Teachers use the Learning Challenge Curriculum to guide their teaching allowing them to make strong links between other subjects such as English, Maths, Geography and History.

Each teacher carefully considers the progression of scientific skills the children are learning throughout their scientific journey in order to develop inquisitive learners with the ability to work systematically and apply their skills to the real world.