At Park Road Academy Primary, we aim to develop curious, confident and challenged mathematicians.

We believe that maths should be an exciting journey which engages all children. Our maths curriculum teaches children the essential skills to develop an understanding of the world and create a natural curiosity and love for maths.
We strive for all children to adopt the characteristics of a Park Road Maths Learner throughout their time with us and beyond.
At the start of a child's journey at Park Road we focus on developing number sense and then move on to mastering number. When children reach Key Stage 1 the focus of mastering number remains, with additional maths sessions throughout the week. Teachers use White Rose Maths to guide their teaching, alongside NCTEM and Nrich resources to deliver stimulating lessons, which incorporate fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
White Rose follows the mastery approach to teaching maths. Children are taught using the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach. This is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics. It involves moving from concrete materials, to pictorial representations, to abstract symbols and problems.
Concrete Pictorial Abstract
We aim for children to see Maths as an interconnected subject. Throughout the school, we provide many opportunities to apply maths knowledge across the curriculum. Maths is interwoven into our Science, History, Geography, Art and Computing lessons.
In order to continuously improve, we work closely with the North West’s Maths Hub Mastery programme. This programme is run by the NCETM and allows us to work together with other schools to share good practice and build upon our maths curriculum.