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English lessons at Park Road Academy Primary School link closely to the Learning Challenge Curriculum. Quality text links English with the driver; we ensure the focus is on the quality of the text.  Genres of writing are developed through each year group’s set of drivers. Year group progression maps provide clear and precise learning intentions and demonstrate a range of writing opportunities, ensuring that writing is produced for a breadth of purposes.  Each teacher carefully considers the quality of work produced by learners in the core subject areas. This will give greater relevance and purpose to children' s work as they draw upon learning in other subjects, making connections and using specialised vocabulary in their work. Our schemes of work place an emphasis on using metacognitive style approaches as well as focusing on pupils progressively improving their knowledge of a variety of subjects.

Our writing curriculum is designed to ensure that all children within our school community feel engaged, motivated and able to express their creativity and communicate their ideas. We regularly review our long-term plans and, as wonderful new texts are published, we update our core texts. Our annual pupil survey is used to find out the texts enjoyed by children and which they felt inspired by.

The impact of our English curriculum is assessed throughout the year, we use pupil voice, book looks, lesson observations and children’s independent writing samples are assessed against National Curriculum objectives. All data is recorded on FFT tracking system, to track children’s progress and attainment throughout their time at Park Road Academy.

Children’s writing is celebrated, with work displayed around the school and in classrooms. Published work is of a high quality and instils pride in all children.

Children leave PRAPS as confident and expressive writers who have a love for writing and write for enjoyment. They are able to communicate their ideas, write for a range of purposes and audiences and channel their creativity in the written form, readying them for life after Park Road.