At Park Road Academy, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is
Miss J Cox
Find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families. Introduction video produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).
Trafford SEND Local Offer - Parent Carers video
Find out what is on offer in your local area for a child or young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND) and their families. Video aimed at parent carers, produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).
Trafford SEND Local Offer - Young Person's video
Find out what is on offer in your local area if you are a young person with special educational needs or who are disabled (SEND). Video aimed at young people living in Trafford produced by Aside Media Productions, with huge thanks from Trafford Family Information Service (FIS).
Trafford Link Newsletter
To help keep you up to date on all things SEND, including local activities, services and support in Trafford.
Trafford SEND What's On?
Keep an eye on upcoming events and activities in Trafford.