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Thanks for Your Feedback and Support!

We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to all the parents who took the time to participate in our recent feedback survey. Your responses and input are incredibly valuable to us as we progress on our journey towards achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA). Your commitment to the school community is inspiring!

Your Feedback Matters!

Your feedback is the compass that guides our actions and initiatives. It allows us to refine and enhance our programs and services to better meet your needs and expectations. We appreciate your openness and the constructive feedback you've provided. It's a testament to the strong partnership between our school and our parents.

We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and interest expressed by many parents who are keen to support the LPPA process.

Next Steps

In the coming weeks, we'll be reaching out to those parents who have expressed an interest in supporting the LPPA process. We will work closely with you to ensure your involvement aligns with your interests and strengths.

Our journey towards LPPA is a shared one, and your contributions will make a significant impact on our success. We are excited about the future and look forward to collaborating with you to achieve our goals.

Your continued support is instrumental in making Park Road Academy a place where parents, students, and educators flourish together. We can't wait to see what we can achieve together.

LPPA Update: Your Feedback Matters!

We're thrilled to provide you with an exciting update on our journey towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA). At Park Road Academy, we are dedicated to strengthening the relationship between our school and our parents, and your input plays a crucial role in this mission.

Feedback Surveys Now Available

We're excited to announce that we've just launched feedback surveys, which are now accessible through Operoo, our digital platform. Your valuable feedback is instrumental in helping us shape our initiatives and programs, making sure they meet your needs and expectations. Your perspective is important, so please take a moment to complete these surveys when you have the opportunity.

Assigned Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure that we are making meaningful progress towards our LPPA goals, we have assigned specific roles of responsibility to different staff members. We are pleased to introduce Mrs. Sidwell as our LPPA Coordinator. Mrs. Sidwell will be leading our efforts to create a strong partnership between our school and our parents, in line with the LPPA objectives.

We believe that this approach of delegation and teamwork will help us streamline our efforts and provide you with the best possible support and resources.

As we move forward on this remarkable journey, we appreciate your continued support and engagement. Your contributions make Park Road Academy a place where parents, students, and educators truly thrive together.

Stay tuned for more updates on our LPPA progress. We are excited about the future and grateful for your participation.

LPPA 2022/23  

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! Park Road Academy is gearing up to embark on a significant journey aimed at further strengthening the bond between our school and our parents, as we prepare to apply for the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) this year.

What is the LPPA Award?

The LPPA Award is a prestigious recognition given to schools that demonstrate a strong commitment to working in partnership with parents to support children's learning and well-being. It focuses on building positive relationships, effective communication, and enhancing the overall experience of our students through active parental involvement.

Why the LPPA Award?

At Park Road Academy, we firmly believe in the invaluable role that parents play in their children's education. We understand that when parents and schools work together, the results are exceptional. Our intention to apply for the LPPA Award is a testament to our dedication to fostering strong relationships with our parents and empowering them to actively contribute to their child's academic journey.

What's Ahead?

In the coming months, we'll be working on a comprehensive action plan that includes a range of initiatives designed to strengthen parent-school partnerships. These initiatives will not only enhance the educational experience of our students but will also provide opportunities for parents to further develop their own skills and knowledge.

We're excited about the journey ahead and look forward to your active participation. Stay tuned for updates on our progress, and please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas. Your feedback and engagement are crucial as we aim for this significant recognition.

As we move forward with this endeavour, we invite you to join us in this exciting mission to promote a culture of learning and collaboration within our school community. Let's work together to make Park Road Academy a place where parents, students, and educators thrive in partnership.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we can't wait to embark on this remarkable journey with you.

The LPPA team

LPPA Award

We were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award at Park Road Academy in the 2018/19 academic year.

The award reflects our engagement and collaboration with you as parents, and is based on the following criteria:

More information about our LPPA Award 2023 progress coming soon.