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Our Vision & Ethos



We strive to ensure good relationships between all members of the school community.  We aim to create a warm, welcoming, safe environment for visitors and pupils alike.  We place much emphasis on high standards of conduct and achievement by our pupils.  Our school encourages:

  • High moral standards and personal qualities of good character and behaviour.

  • Good personal relationships, a sense of responsibility, teamwork and loyalty.

  • Social awareness, courtesy, consideration for others and sensitivity to one’s surroundings.

  • Respect for other people’s beliefs and culture.

  • Such qualities as inventiveness, curiosity, an elementary knowledge of Health and Safety and the ability to care for oneself.

  • An understanding of how to contribute to and benefit from living in a well organised community.


During your child’s time at Park Road Academy Primary School, we aim to help children be:

  • happy

  • confident

  • co-operative

  • responsible

  • inquisitive and curious

  • sensitive of others and have an understanding of religious and moral values

  • communicative

  • independent

  • self-controlled and well-disciplined

  • willing to learn

  • aware of the environment

  • able to initiate and reflect

  • perceptive, logical and able to solve problems

  • aware of new technology


By the time they transfer to secondary school, our children should be able to:

  • Read fluently and accurately, with understanding, discrimination and enjoyment.

  • Speak and write clearly and confidently.

  • Use mathematical skills and ideas in everyday situations.

  • Know where to look for information and how to record findings.

  • Understand how technology can be used.

  • Work independently or in a team, to find things out, interpret and solve problems.

  • Use a range of creative arts and crafts as a means of expression.

  • Possess enough skill, strength and mobility to take part confidently in a range of physical activities.

  • Show an awareness of local geographical and social influences, and of other times, places and cultures.
