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S.T.E.M Club

We were very excited to launch our STEM Club this year. STEM Club is a gathering of children that meet weekly to work on inquiry-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) related activities. STEM is a powerful and enjoyable way to engage young people, who have a particular interest in these areas and who like to use their innovative and creative thinking to solve everyday problems. We are thrilled that our STEM Club has ignited an interest in STEM subjects and provide a platform to extend young people’s learning. Most importantly, STEM Club is fun and exciting, allowing all involved to explore STEM subjects in innovative and inventive ways outside the curriculum.

We have been able to provide an exciting opportunity with our Year  1 and Year 2 STEM Club achieving their CREST Award ( as well as having our application to send two experiments into space... more details to follow. 

Autumn Term - Space Engineers

Spring Term - Year 1 and 2