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Pupil Voice

Our Pupil Voice Lead at Park Road Academy is Mrs Harter

Meet our elected School Council Representatives 2022/23

"Our aim is to make school an even better place. We are going to listen to pupil suggestions and find out what improvements we could make. We want to start some new, exciting rewards to encourage positive behaviour around school even more. We also want to work with the Eco Council to help keep our school tidy and make it look even better. We are excited to organise fundraising events and want to support more local charities near Timperley."- The School Council

KS2 Debate Club

Join us on Mondays at 12:45pm in the Club Room for our weekly debate

Comic Relief 

17th March 2023

Today we raised money for the charity Comic Relief. Our school voted to have a Danceathon. After our School Council Comic Relief assembly, Nursery started our Danceathon. Each class took turns to dance throughout the whole school day. We even had groups of pupils who took turns to dance during break and lunch! We also got to wear our own clothes and 'Dress for Joy'. Together we raised a fantastic £349 and had a lot of fun! 

Festive Jumper Day

Thursday 15th December 2022

Today, we celebrated Christmas by wearing our festive jumpers and having a delicious Christmas dinner. Everyone had a great day together.

Children in Need 2022

Friday 18th November 2022

Our school voted to have a pyjama day to raise money for Children in Need. The School Council planned and led an exciting assembly for the whole school. We found out about where the money raised for Children in Need goes. We saw how the charity's money helped Jodie to make friends, gain confidence and skills she never thought she would be able to at her local boxing club. We also loved finding out more about Pudsey Bear.

Pumpkin Carving Competition

Monday 17th October 2022

Lots of pupils suggested that we should have our pumpkin carving competition again this year. We decided to hold it on the same day as our after-school Halloween disco. The pumpkins were amazing and created a fantastic autumn atmosphere around school. Well done to our winners and all who entered. You did a fantastic job!

Macmillan Coffee Morning


Friday 30th September 2022

We hosted a coffee morning for our families to raise money for Macmillan. It was great to see the many parents and grandparents that came for a hot drink and cake. We held a Bake Off competition for our classmates and received lots of amazing cake donations for our coffee morning. Everyone commented on how delicious the cakes were. It was very difficult to choose the winners! Pupils also got to enjoy a cake at break time in exchange for a donation. We had lots of fun raising money for Macmillan and helping people with cancer.